“Soft power” as a foreign policy tool: role in Russia and China relations with Africa


Tatiana Deych


The subject of research is ‘soft power’ as the instrument of foreign policy. The ‘soft power’ concept has not received enough attention. The methods of analysis permit the author to identify the role of ‘soft power’ tools in forming of positive image of the country. After the Cold War, the new, “non-violent” tools of foreign policy emerged in international relations. Their purpose for the country is to receive advantages in relations with other countries by “attraction” without forcing. The example of “soft power” effective using is China’s policy in Africa; its purpose is to counteract ‘China’s menace’ theory and to improve China’s image. The “soft power” used actively as a tool in the Soviet Union’ African policy and today it takes advantage of the Russian diplomacy again. We submit for consideration the implementation of “soft power” concept both in China’ and Russia’ African politics, in the fields of education, healthcare, cultural and scientific relations. The author comes to conclusion: Beijing actively uses the means of ‘soft power’ to create the positive image of China in Africa as a friendly country, ready to provide assistance and support to Africans. ‘Soft power’ is a significant instrument for implementation of foreign policy objectives and Russia must use it more actively, particularly in the African countries.


‘soft power’, USSR, Russia, China, politics, cultural and scientific ties, education, healthcare.


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