Russia comes back to Africa. The main task of our country on this way is to rebuild and make stronger economic ties with African states. One of the important spheres of Russian-African cooperation can be water.
Africa possesses rich water resources. At the same time Africa is the second driest continent in the world after Australia. Besides the distribution of water resources unequal within Africa’s sub-regions: 51% in Central Africa, 23% in Western Africa and only 3% in Northern Africa. Only 64 % people in Africa use improved drinking water.
Cooperation with African countries in water sphere could be very perspective. We can divide it into two groups: 1) water for people and 2) water for development of territories.
Water for people is a complex of actions to increase the amount of drinking water and to improve its quality and to reduce loosing of water resources. It could be done by using modern technologies and changing laws.
Water for development of territories is an implementation projects in such fields as power, transport, fishery, industry and agriculture.
All mentioned projects could be realized in rather short period of time with the help of African Business Initiative (ABI) – new organization united representatives of governments, business and scientific community for promotion Russian companies and production in African continent.
Russia, Africa, water
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