The authors seek to research the phenomenon of international terrorism as an object of scientific knowledge. The authors emphasize the difficulties that do not allow modern science to comprehensively and effectively study this object. They argue that difficulties begin on the start due to the absence of a categorical research apparatus and of a scientific definition of the very phenomenon of terrorism. The article considers a number of approaches to the issue existing in the Russian social science at the present time. The authors propose their own definition of terrorism. The article proves that the time has come to move from an additive combination of successes and results of counteracting terrorism with the help of sectorial scientific knowledge arising from separate branches of science – sociology, political science, military science, cultural and religious studies, specific technological studies (biology, physics, mechanics, optics), computer science, psychology , history, linguistics – towards the integration of these scientific knowledge to obtain a synergistic effect.
international terrorism, convergence of sciences and technologies, synergetic effect
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