The book is devoted to the process of creation of a non-racial state and the talks on political settlement in South Africa.
It determines the reasons which forced the South African government to start talks with the African National Congress. It also considers the evolution of the forms of anti-apartheid struggle and the conditions which allowed the ANC to change its tactics and to pass from the armed and political struggle to the negotiations accompanied by mass actions. The book compares democratic and non-democratic forms of social and political organisation in modern South Africa.
The history of indirect and later direct contacts between the government and the ANC as well as between the government, the ANC and Inkatha (Big Troika) and other minor political forces is also under research and the experience of finding compromises between the different forces which were confronting each other, both politically and military, is analysed..
The book is based on documents of the South African government and the ANC, archive materials and the works by South African, Russian and Western researchers, as well as the reminiscences of participants.
South Africa, apartheid regime, liberation struggle, African National Congress, strategic cooperation
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