Russia-Zambia: stages and horizons of cooperation


Lyubov Prokopenko


The article shows the dynamics of the development of the 55-year-long cooperation between the USSR/Russia and Zambia, as well as the characteristics of the first stage of the cooperation between our countries during the period when the United Party of National Independence (UNIP) led by Kenneth Kaunda was in power, and later in the 1990s when contacts were limited.

The bilateral cooperation of our countries at the present stage is based on our common international interests. The partnership between Russia and the Republic of South Africa in the framework of the BRICS has not only been a new stage in the development of our relations, but has also opened up additional opportunities for cooperation with the neighbors of South Africa related to it politically and economically, including Zambia.

Consultations are regularly held on topical international and regional problems at the level of foreign ministries, inter-parliamentary ties have been established. In the last decade there have been talks of foreign ministers, as well as top-level negotiations at the meetings of the Russian President V.V. Putin and the Zambian President E. Lungu at the 10th BRICS Summit (Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2018). Since the beginning of the 2010s bilateral trade has shown a certain dynamics, although the second stage of cooperation between our countries is characterized by the prevalence of political contacts.

The political leadership of Russia understands and takes into account that many African development problems have to be tackled in the context of a low standard of living. The cancellation by Russia in 2001 of more than 80% of the Zambian debt created additional conditions for the development of business relations between our countries. The interest of Russian business to the Zambian market has increased. Nevertheless, the trade turnover between the Russian Federation and Zambia is still having a low and unstable volume, mutual deliveries are still fragmentary.

Cooperation in the field of education continues. The quota for Zambian students sent to study in the Russian Federation is growing. There are new areas of cooperation, for example, in the field of telemedicine. Russia is helping Zambia to solve the problem of energy resources. In May 2018, Rosatom and Zambia signed a contract to build a Center for Nuclear Science and Technology. This is the first joint project of Russia and Zambia in the field of nuclear technologies.


USSR, Russia, Zambia, diplomatic relations, consultations at the level of foreign ministries, inter-parliamentary relations, debt cancellation, bilateral trade, personnel training, Center for Nuclear Science and Technology




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