The research focuses on Sudan and South Sudan, where great changes in socio-political life are taking place. Following different historical researches and monitoring various modern information sources, the author provides insight into problems faced by the peoples that inhabit this region (which is remote from the rest of the world’s civilization) from colonial times to the present day. The author analyzes the nature and dynamics of the transformation of transitional forms of governance and power relations in these countries, identifies the reasons that affect the internal politics of the states. The author characterizes the current internal political situation in the region as post-traumatic, and the condition of the government – as serious but stable, but expresses the hope that, thanks to the experience gained in the change of power in these countries, a resuscitation of peaceful socio-economic processes can occur, as well as a slow, but all the same an evolution of the authorities.
Africa, Sudan, South Sudan, Civil War, government, opposition, conflict, crisis, corruption, sanctions, resources, economy, international economic relations, foreign policy, USA, China, integration, investment, cooperation, peacemaking, development
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