Peaceful Revolutions in Algeria and Sudan: the Factor of the Coronavirus Pandemic


Nailia Fakhrutdinova


The article deals with the problem of the post Arabic spring situation. Only three Arab countries remained unchanged in Africa: Morocco, Algeria and Sudan. After a long period of time their protesters remained outside the zone of active action, but over time they appeared in the streets again. The circumstances forced people to take to the streets. Moroccans were in a better situation, but gradually the population of Algeria and Sudan where the situation was especially serious began to criticize the policy of the authorities, although they did it exclusively peacefully.

For the first time in Russian African studies, the author assesses all the driving forces of the events at the end of 2020 and early 2021 and, emphasizing the complications brought by the coronavirus pandemic, makes an analytical forecast for the further development of the situation.


army in political establishment, civil war, hirak, deep economic crisis, coronavirus, preferences




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