Portrait of Two Ladies in Hospital Interiors of Colonial Africa
Leonid Fituni
The article examines the fate of two Russian women doctors who worked in the 1920s–1930s in French Western and French Equatorial Africa. The purpose of the research is not only to tell the reader in detail about the life path and work in Africa of two Russian emigrants of the first wave, but also to look inside and to analyze historical material from the point of view of women’s experience and understanding of specific social and personal-psychological life collisions arising from the gender-determined circumstances of their emigrant life.
history of Russian emigration, women’s studies, women’s history, gender history, gender relations, feminism, colonial medicine, E.B. Birkhan, A.M. Fedoseeva-Krivopatria
1. General Ledentu (1927) . Répartition actuelle de la trypanosomiase humaine en Afrique Equatoriale Française, par G. Ledentu et M. Vaucel. Bulletins de la Société de pathologie exotique et de sa filiale de l’Ouest africain. 1927, tome 20. Paris : Masson, 1927, p. 511.
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