The subject of consideration is the 2020 crisis in Mali. The events are viewed in the context of the geopolitical transformations taking place in West Africa. The purpose of the study is to find out the causes and consequences of military and political cataclysms that threaten the state integrity of Mali and the stability of the situation in Tropical Africa. The situation in Mali remains poorly known: it is not clear what forces will determine the vector of its political and military-strategic development. It is obvious that France is losing its influence in the region, which is largely due to the emergence of new actors in international relations here. This, in turn, allows Africans to diversify their foreign economic and political orientations. The author assumes that the named processes will provoke an intense competition for influence in the countries of Tropical Africa.
Mali, France, Russia, putsch, political crisis, Operation Barkhan, Emmanuel Macron, Vladimir Putin, African politics, terrorism
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