Afrikaner Nationalism in the Political Life of the Union of South Africa in the First Third of the 20th Century


Alexey Streltsov


The purpose of the article is to trace the formation and development of Afrikaner nationalism, which played an important role in the political life of the Union of South Africa in the first third of the 20th century; to find out the origins of the formation of Afrikaner nationalism and what factors influenced this formation; to analyze which groups of the white population of the Union of South Africa were close to the ideas of Afrikaner nationalism, to show how Afrikaner nationalism diverged from other ideologies in the Union of South Africa and how it influenced the political life of the dominion, how it influenced the relations of the Union of South Africa with Great Britain and, consequently, the formation of the British Commonwealth.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that nationalism is still an ideology that unites various social groups in many countries of the world. The conditions for the formation of Afrikaner nationalism are similar to the conditions for the formation of nationalism of other ethnic groups.


nationalism, Afrikaners, Africa, James Duke, South African Union, dominion




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