The “Françafrique” Phenomenon as Reflected in French Historiography


Vasily Filippov


The subject of consideration is the French historiography of the African policy of the Fifth Republic. The author considers a continuum of any significant works (monographs, scientific articles, dossiers) devoted to the political, economic, military aspects of the ideology and political practices of the Champs Elysees during the presidency of Ch. de Gaulle, J. Pompidou, J. d’Estaing, F Mitterrand, J. Chirac, N. Sarkozy, F. Hollande and E. Macron. Considering the evolution of the views of French scientists and publicists on the African policy of French politics, the author comes to the conclusion that the apologetic tradition in assessing the activities of the Elysee Palace in the former colonies of the French Empire was replaced by critical ones in the 80s of the last century. Apologetics began to quickly leave the socio-political discourse and gave way to an increasingly persistent and large-scale criticism of the military-political phenomenon called “Françafrique”. The political establishment more and more shyly recalled the actions of politicians, military and special services agents of the Fifth Republic on the Black Continent. High-profile revelations, investigative journalism, lawsuits, and trials have made this topic dangerous for the careers of French politicians. It has become a tradition for all contenders for the presidency of the French Republic to renounce the Françafrique policy.


France, French historiography, African politics, Tropical Africa, Françafrique, Survie Association




1. Bayard J.-F. La Politique africaine de Francois Mitterrand. Paris, Editions Karthala. 1984. 149 р.
2. Beccaria L. Preface. Laniray Р. François-Xavier Verschave. L’homme qui voulait soulever les montagnes. Paris, Éditions des Arènes. 2006. 214 р.
3. Biens mal acquis des dictateurs africains en France. Paris, Survie. 2008. 48 p.
4. Boisbouvier С. 50 years later, Françafrique is alive and well. (accessed 30.05.2021)
5. Borrell T., Deltombe T. Emmanuel Macron. Colonial allusion to power. (accessed 05.31.2022)
6. Burkina Faso. Une grenade pour l’arrivée de Macron à Ouagadougou. Le journal numérique. 2017. 28 novembre.
7. Coret L. Rwanda 1994‒2004: des faits, des mots, des oeuvres. Paris, Harmattan. 2005. 220 p.