The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the revolutionary events in the Arab world in 2011-2014 and the growth of migration flows from the Middle East. Migration processes in the modern world are becoming more widespread, affecting both the domestic policy of the countries and foreign policy relations. The aim of the research is to study and identify the factors, trends and features of modern migration processes from the Middle East to the EU member-states, as well as to assess the socio-economic consequences of migration. The relevance of the research is determined not only by the increased social significance of the phenomenon of migration in the context of globalization, but also by the complexity, diversity of problems associated with it. To study the phenomenon of migration, an integrated, interdisciplinary approach was applied. This work introduces new information about the specifics of migration processes from the Middle East to European countries into scientific circulation and political practice. The author comes to the conclusion that with the beginning of the «Arab spring» forced and illegal migration has become predominant, which in Europe has led to the deterioration of social security and the economic situation. The study has showed that the nature of migration has changed significantly due to the spread of the threat of international terrorism. In view of the significant changes in migration processes related to terrorism, the attitude towards migrants has changed significantly, and the migration policy of the countries has adopted tougher measures towards foreigners.
«Arab spring», migration crisis, refugees, terrorist threat, migration policy, integration, security
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