The aim of the study is to show the historical development of the influence of Islam on the formation of political forces in Sudan in the post-colonial period. The region’s role in the struggle for power in independent Sudan is analyzed. The reaction of the world to the introduction of Sharia norms in the southern provinces of Sudan explored. The author elaborates possible ways of development similar to Sudan in other countries of the region. The study shows that conniving at the radical Islamism the authorities is prone of unforeseen consequences.
The author has collected the data on the new socio-political organization “National Congress”. In contrast to the existing clerical parties and the suffiist brotherhoods, the NK adheres to the principle of broad participation of the masses in the religious and political processes of Sudanese society. A new model of Islamic parties, has emerged which differentiates the experience of Sudan from other African countries.
Islamists, religious worldview, Sharia norms, Islamic extremism, civil wars, Islamic way, proislamic parties, Islamic ideology, religious development, islam and power
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