The research subject is the role of Russia in regulating the armed conflicts in Africa. The modern period of the international relations` development is characterized by the necessity to consolidate the international community to solve the global and regional problems. The United Nations and Security Council play the key role in solving the conflicts in many African countries. The questions of the cooperation between Russia and the Security Council are mentioned. The article deals with the problem of the peace establishment in the African Great Lakes region, the peculiarity of the military-political situation in this region, the basic illegal armed formations. The methods of empiric political science helped to discover the link between armed conflicts and the stability in the region, to define the contradictions of the political process in the region. The author draws a conclusion that the problem of impunity of the crimes against humanity in Africa gives a rich soil to the new conflicts, which are a course of humanitarian crises and human victims.
According to the author`s opinion, it is impossible to ignore unsolved problems of this Central African region, because the African countries with their huge potential in different spheres play the significant role in the international political and economic process. The author draws attention that Russia takes part in the creation of the general plan to solve the armed conflicts, the political line of the world community in different crisis situations, the de-termination of the UN-mandates, and the coordination of actions, which should provide the complex solution of the post-conflict problems. Russia successfully takes steps towards the solving the problems. It is not very easy to stop the conflicts and return them in the legal sphere of the UN-Charter according to the basic principles and rules of international law. Affords of this country not to escalate the tension and to solve the conflicts are reflected in the official documents of Russian Foreign Ministry.
United Nations Security Council, General Assembly of the United Nations, African continent, armed conflicts, stabilization process
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