In Focus
Electoral Process
Denisova T.S. Political Leadership and Electoral Processes in the Fourth Republic of Ghana
Shlenskaya S.M. Elections in Rwanda: Before and After the Genocide
Sadovskaya L.M. Two Countries – Two Electoral Expe-riences: Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal
Our Collection – «ANSA and African States»
International Round Table in the Institute for African Studies
Fituni L.L. Transcontinental Network Terrorism of Ag-gressive Non-State Actors (ANSA)
Meshcherina K.V. Aggressive Non-State Actors in North Africa and the Threat of «Global» Terrorism
Abramova I.O. African Trans-Border Migration and Problems of International Security
Helfer Hans-Ulrich. Schweiz: Terrorismus, Menschen-schmuggel und dschihadistisch motivierte Reisen
Kochanova T.V. South Sudan: Non-state Actors and the Policy Line Correction