In Focus
Our Collection – Africa: Development Goals
International Round Table in the Institute for African Studies
Kurgat A.J., Mulongo L.S., Kerre P. Democratization in Kenya
Fituni L.L. Global Management and Science Development in the Countries of Africa
Sidorov V.A. South Africa in the Global Economy
Khamatshin A.D. Social and Economic Structure of South African Agricultural Sector
Electoral Process
Denisova T.S. Côte d’Ivoire: Electoral Reforms by F.Hou-phouet-Boigny
Shlenskaya S.M. Elections and Political Crises in Madagascar
Pozdnyakova A.P. Electoral Processes in the Democratic Re-public of Sao Tome and Principe
Trade Unions in Africa
Gromova O.B. African Trade Unions in a New Historic Situation
Prokopenko L.Ya. Trade Unions and the Political Process in Southern Africa
Fakhrutdinova N.Z. Islam and Trade Unions in North Africa
Matveeva N.F. Trade Unions in East African Countries: the Struggle for Survival
Grishina N.V. South Africa as a Leader of Trade Union Movement in Africa