The article discusses the modern tools used in local conflicts and wars, which are largely based on war strategy, and tactics, military thought and art as well as experience accumulated in military-political and other related fields. These tools include support for revolutionary movements, the organization of coups, destabilization of the situation, waging coalition wars, proxy wars, hybrid and information wars, humanitarian interventions, cyberwars, no-fly zones. This set of tools is used selectively or is fully utilized, and tends to expand taking into account the technological innovations that have become firmly established in the life of mankind and allowing to qualitatively update the military arsenals of the world’s states. Today’s due to globalization local conflicts are rapidly gaining wide international resonance, leading to the involvement of third parties. The United States of America plays a special role in them. They are gradually losing ground in the world and do not want to put up with it. The article discusses the ways of conducting local wars and recent conflicts in relation to the countries of Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
local wars and conflicts, revolutions and coups, the revolutionary process, globalization, coalition war, hybrid war, cyberwar, information war, humanitarian intervention, no-fly zone, military involvement, USA, Russia, Middle East, Africa, Syria, Libya, Iraq
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