To the Question of Language Studies Influence on Social, Cultural and Ethnic Identity of the Nation (The Case of the Kimbundu Language)
Elena Еvina, Liliya Kuznetsova, Victoria Chimankpa Egejuru
The research is devoted to socio-linguistic, ethnic and cultural issues of the language investigations into one of the national languages of the Republic of Angola. Special attention is paid to the history of Kimbundu, its prevalence, influence on the Angolan Portuguese, literature and the musical culture of the country. The paper also focuses on the importance of maintaining interest in the language researches in Angola, Brazil and Russia. Summarising and analysing the accumulated material, the authors point out the contribution of the language studying practice to the solution of various tasks, scientific, cultural, humanitarian.
Kimbundu, Bantu languages, socio-linguistic aspects of language inquiries, ethnic and cultural identity of the nation
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