Electricity Projects in Africa


Anna Sharova


The main goal of this article is to collect, systematize and analyze up-to-date information on projects in the pipeline in the field of electricity generation in Africa. The author obtained comprehensive data on the capacity, the estimated cost of the projects, the expected commission year, as well as on the contractors and major investors. Based on the analysis done, the author made some important conclusions. First, on the involvement of foreign companies in the electricity markets of Africa, their geography and spheres of influence; second, on the volumes of electricity capacity planned to be installed.

According to the author’s estimations, 50 GW of new generation capacity is planned to be commissioned in Africa in the period up to 2030. This will allow meeting the actual demand for electricity, and in some countries and subregions getting an excess of electricity production. A small surplus of generating capacity already exists on the African continent, despite popular opinions about a pervasive energy shortage. However, it is largely blocked due to the underdevelopment of transmission and distribution systems and their low capacity. The author considers this as the main development problem of the electricity sector in Africa at the present time.


electricity generation, energy projects, installed capacity, foreign investment, public-private partnership, Africa




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