Posted on 23.06.202224.06.2022 by KaterinaIssue № 2 (59), 2022 Fundamental Challenges of our TimeFituni L.L. Text and Meanings: Introduction to the Hermeneutics of the New World Order EconomySharova A.Yu. Electricity Projects in Africa Matveevsky S.S. African Development Bank: Experience in Assessing Inclusive Economic Growth in North Africa Political ScienceKhayrullin T.R. The Role of Ideology in Shaping the Postcolonial Era in the Arab World International RelationsShanchenko E.P. The Reform of Certain Aspects of the UN Peacekeeping Activities as a Factor of Increasing the Effectiveness of Local Peace-Building and Regional Development (Case of the UN Operation in the Central African Republic) Social AnthropologyStreltsov A.D. Afrikaner Nationalism in the Political Life of the Union of South Africa in the First Third of the 20th Century Idahosa S.O., Makpah O.J. Xenophobic Threat to Nigerians Abroad – How Relevant is the Concept of “Afrocentrism”? Cultural SpacesBanshchikova A.A. Bagamoyo Imperial and Actual: Representation of the First Capital of German East Africa in Colonial Postcards and in the Works of Walter Dobbertin