African Development Bank: Experience in Assessing Inclusive Economic Growth in North Africa


Sergey Matveevskii


The article discusses the African Development Bank (Bank), the features of its activities and the experience of assessing inclusive economic growth (IEG) in the countries of North Africa. The author reveals the structure of the EDI index (developed and tested for the countries of North Africa by the Bank’s specialists), based on the use of generally recognized social and economic indicators. The author concludes that the use of various indicators and weighting factors in the index will allow development banks (DBs) to objectively assess the impact of their activities on the EDI in regions and countries. The EDI index will complement the existing system for evaluating the activities of the BR, and will allow them to use their resources more efficiently, plan and implement projects and programs, considering current goals.


African Development Bank, project, project cycle, inclusive economic growth, inclusive economic growth index, indicators and weights, North African countries




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