Improving Health Care as a Factor of Population Growth in Egypt


Tatiana Kochanova


The primary focus of this study is on the population of the Arab Republic of Egypt. What is the reason for such a significant population growth rate in Egypt, does it affect the overall socio-political situation in the country and what should be the current government policy in this direction – these are the questions that the author of this study is looking for an answer to. Using statistical methods based on the principles of the statistical observation, collection and description, while relying on official data from Egyptian sources, as well as on Russian and world experience in the development of demographic science, the author of the article analyzes the demographic indicators of the Arab Republic of Egypt not only in a long retrospective, but also over the span of the last few years, which gives grounds to characterize the current domestic policy of the Egyptian government as socially oriented and constructive in the demographic sense, and also makes it possible to predict further positive dynamics of demographic processes in the country and region.


Africa, Arab Republic of Egyp, ARE; population, demography, healthcare




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