Social Differentiation of Ethnic Communities and Professional Groups in the History of Ethiopia


Ismagilova R.N.


The article analyzes the position and role in the socio-ethno-political processes of Ethiopia’s past of such institutions as professional groups, often referred to as “castes,” and the descendants of slaves. The study is based on the author’s field research and the work of Ethiopian scholars. It contains extensive factual material on various ethnic communities, both the multi-million Amhara or Oromo ethnic groups and ethnic minorities, including the Yem, Sidama, Wolaita, Gurage, hunter-gatherers (using the Manjo as an example).

The institutions of discriminated groups, which were established in antiquity, have shown their resilience over several centuries. These institutions include “castes” (the study makes a parallel of this social institution in Ethiopia with a similar one in India), slave descendants, and ethnic hierarchy. In Ethiopia, there was a very unique phenomenon where slavery existed only among women. This is the case of the Raya Kobbo ethnic group in Amhara State in the North Wollo Zone.

Another category of ethnic communities is the “castes” of artisans. For centuries, several ethnic groups of Ethiopia have considered physical labor and crafts (blacksmithing, weaving, dyeing, woodworking, and others) “unworthy” occupations compared to agriculture. The author analyzes in detail the status of the various “castes” of craftsmen—blacksmiths, potters, tanners, weavers, and others—and the evolution of attitudes towards them in Ethiopian society. The reason for the persistence of such institutions, in the author’s view, is tradition, which had left its mark on the social structure of Ethiopian society and will take a long time to eradicate.


Ethiopia, social differentiation, Amhara, Oromo, Yem, Gurage, Sidama, castes, craftsmen, slave descendants




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For citation:

Ismagilova R.N. Social Differentiation of Ethnic Communities and Professional Groups in the History of Ethiopia. Journal of the Institute for African Studies. 2024. № 4. Pp. 146–161.

Для цитирования:

Исмагилова Р.Н. Социальная дифференциация этнических общностей и профессиональных групп в истории Эфиопии. Ученые записки Института Африки РАН. 2024. № 4. С. 146–161.