The United States and Elections in Africa (2015–2018)


Andrey Urnov


As a self-proclaimed “Global Leader” the United States have made “the assertion, advancement, support and defense of democracy” throughout the world one of the pillars of their foreign policy. This aim invariably figures in all Washington’s program documents pertaining to Africa. A major component of these efforts is an assistance to regular, free and fair elections.

The selection of arguments cited to justify such activities has been done skilfully. In each specific case it is emphasized that the United States do not side with any competing party, stand “above the battle”, work for the perfection of electoral process, defend the rights of opposition and rank and file votes, render material and technical help to national electoral committees. Sounds irreproachable.

However, the real situation is different. The study of the US practical activities in this field allows to conclude that Washington has one-sidedly awarded itself a role of a judge and supervisor of developments related to elections in the sovereign countries of Africa, tries to control the ways they are prepared and conducted. These activities signify an interference into the internal affairs of African states. The scale and forms of such interference differ and is subjected to tasks the USA try to resolve in this or that country on the national, regional or global levels. However, everywhere it serves as an instrument of penetration and strengthening of the US influence, enhancing the US political presence in African countries.

The right of the US to perform this role is presented as indisputable. Sceptics are branded as opponents of democracy.

The author explores the US positions and activities connected with elections in Africa during the last years of B.Obama and first two years of D.Trump presidencies. He shows how their policy have been implemented on the continental level and in regard to several countries – South Sudan, Libya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Nigeria, Somali, Kenya, Uganda.

Keywords: Elections, Free, Fare, Peaceful, Transparent, Inclusive Elections, Electoral Process, Electoral Committee, Political Process, Voters, Constitutional Norms and Limitations, Term of Office, Transfer of Power, Interference


Elections, Free, Fare, Peaceful, Transparent, Inclusive Elections, Electoral Process, Electoral Committee, Political Process, Voters, Constitutional Norms and Limitations, Term of Office, Transfer of Power, Interference




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