The Reform of Certain Aspects of the UN Peacekeeping Activities as a Factor of Increasing the Effectiveness of Local Peace-Building and Regional Development (Case of the UN Operation in the Central African Republic)


Ekaterina Shanchenko


In this article the author analyses in detail the UN peacemaking activities illustrated by the example of the MINUSCA peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR). Today the mission has achieved the following results: presidential and legislative elections have been held, cooperation with neighboring states has been established, UN cooperation with local security agencies is advancing, conditions for the protection of natural resources have been assured, conflict mitigation activities for the local population are being organized. However, there is no progress in a number of areas, which is consequently connected with such intrastructural problems of the UN as duplication of functions and responsibilities in various UN departments, lack of representation of African countries in UN administrative structures, the issue of compliance with the UN mandate while implementing this mandate in a civil war. Not only will the solution of these problems increase the effectiveness of the UN peacekeeping mission in the CAR, it will also increase the level of security in Africa as a whole.


MINUSCA, the UN, Central Africa, CAR, peacemaking operation, peacekeeping mission, the UN reform




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