Tunisia: Features and Lessons of the “Arab Spring”


Ivan Kofanov


The article is dedicated to the lessons of the Arab Spring. Not all conclusions from the events of 2010-2011 stood the test of time. Thus, there was no domino effect predicted by many re-searchers. The consequences of these events have also been very different for individual countries affected by the Arab Spring. Tunisia remains the only country, where democratic transit has been realised. The author shows what features of this country ensured such a result of the Arab Spring. The example of Tunisia shows the possibility of democratic transformation in the Muslim World. The question of the combination of democratic forms of government and economic development is considered. It is stressed that the delay in solving the main socio-economic problems leads to disappointment of the Tunisian population in democracy. However, the changes that have taken place in the minds of young people in particular give the hope that the victims of the Arab Spring have not been in vain and that the movement towards the economic and social progress of Tunisia, like other Arab countries, will be inevitable.


Tunisia, “Arab Spring”, historical features, civil society, democracy, authoritarianism, economic growth, social progress




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