The article is devoted to the analysis of conceptual approaches, methods and tools used by the United States and its allies for political and manipulative influence upon national elites of the “ascending” and other strategically important States of the world in order to retain a dominant position in the global world order and to gain advantages in geopolitical competition. The authors consider the structure of the elites, targeted by political manipulation from the point of view of the vulnerability of their elements and elite groups to external pressure, blackmail and other forms of manipulation. It is shown that among the tools of manipulative pressure upon national elites, an important role belongs to the information and communication impact on the object of manipulation. The article calls for scientific cognition of the mechanisms and practices of political manipulation of national elites in order to protect the interests of the Russian state and to ensure conditions for the upward development of the country.
political manipulation, world order, national elites, information and communication technologies, regime change
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