Mali has experienced a multidimensional socio-political crisis since 2012 that endangers the existence of this state. It is a terrorist activity of islamist and jihadist groups in the center of the Sahel-Sahara region of Africa which has become one of key factors of the crisis. The cause of the intensification of terrorist organizations was the invasion of the NATO forces into Libya in 2011. The tactical union of jihadists with Tuareg separatists allowed them to capture two thirds of the territory of Mali. Only active intervention of the international community represented primarily by France and the United Nations, as well as European Union, ECOWAS and African Union stopped the further advance of terrorist groups, promoted reduction of facilities and potential of armed groups and allowed to begin a political settlement of the crisis. In turn, since 2013, it changed the structure, composition and tactics of terrorist organizations that were forced to move from control of territories to asymmetric methods of war, attacking the camps and patrols of the Malian armed forces and peacekeepers. In 2015, for the first time, terrorist acts were committed in the capital of the country. Nevertheless, the capabilities of jihadists weaken, as reflected in the unification of their forces around one organization – Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, leading terrorist organization in the region. Evidence of the success of the international community and the Malians in the struggle against terrorism was also the fact that these organizations begin to transfer their operations outside the country, first of all, to neighboring countries of West Africa. At the same time, unsolved issues of security and socio-economic development create increasingly a favorable basis for involving the Malian population, especially young people, in the ranks of terrorist organizations.
Mali, terrorist activity, armed groups, jihadist salafism, asymmetric tactics of war, crisis management, international group of mediators, United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
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