Houthis uprising in Yemen: shia-sunni confrontation as a factor of geopolitical shifts in the Middle East


Savateev A.D., Bokov T.A.


The article analyzes the origins and causes of the religious-political movement Houthis of Yemen, representing Shiite part of the population. As a result of the uprising they seized power in much of Yemen, in an effort to consolidate its social, cultural and economic rights. Their rapid success met armed resistance to neighboring Saudi Arabia and its allies, but was supported by Iran. In the escalating conflict involved all new countries, events threaten to es-calate in another hotbed of war in the Middle East.


the Hоuthis, the Zaidis, Yemen, a revolt, religious-political confrontation, Saudi Arabia, Iran


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Malāzim as-seid al-Houthi (s.a.), (s.l.)
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