A Possible African Dream with some Asian Characters – The Case of Rwanda


István Tarrósy, Zoltán Vörös


This paper takes a multi-dimensional look at the theme of African futures. The plural nature of those futures comes out of the numerous differences that African states enjoy in terms of their comparative advantages and disadvantages. The primary angle of investigation, which highlights those differences, is the presence and engagement of the People’s Republic of China across the continent. The case of Rwanda in particular, is one through which many of the challenges and opportunities of future, Chinese-related, African scenarios may be analysed. First, the issue of partnership is touched upon in a post-colonial context, while referencing back to colonial rule and the continent’s inherited status in the world system. Second, the putative threat of ‘recolonization’ is examined with a focus on China’s Africa-policy. Third, Rwanda’s “home-grown” solutions to these and other problems are dealt with, shedding light on the landlocked East-Central African country’s investment policy, approach to external actors, including China, and it’s vision for its own future – the lessons of which are not confined to Rwanda alone.


Rwanda, development, patrimonialism, China-Africa partnership, Recolonization




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