Plural Trajectories: Introduction to African Futures


David O’Kane, Dmitri M. Bondarenko


The editors of this issue of the Journal of the Institute for African Studies introduce the theme of African futures, and insist on the plural meanings it involves as both a concept and an empirical reality. The relationship between the continent’s futures and its multiple pasts and presents are considered, and the concept of ‘trajectory’ is used to integrate those multiple African realities into an integrated picture of human agency and human action in the continent today. The editors then introduce the papers that follow in this special issue.


Africa, Culture, Decolonization, Postcolonial




1. Agostinho, Issau, editor (2017). Democratization’s Trajectory through Change and Continuity in Sub-Saharan Africa, Rome Edizioni Nuova Cultura.
2. Ahere, John Rabuogi (2018). Linkages between political parties and political violence: some lessons from Kenya and South Africa, African Journal on Conflict Resolution, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 93–117.
3. Bangura, Yusuf (2018) The Humbling of the All People’s Congress: Understanding Sierra Leone’s March 2018 Presidential Run-off Election, CODESRIA Bulletin, no. 2, pp. 17–24.
4. Baskin, Ken, and Bondarenko, Dmitri M. (2014) The Axial Ages of World History: Lessons for the 21st Century. Litchfield Park, AZ. Emergent Publications.
5. Bondarenko, Dmitri M. (1997) Teorija tsivilizatsij i dinamika istoricheskogo protsessa v dokolonial’noj Tropicheskoj Afrike (Civilizations Theory and the Historical Process Dynamics in Precolonial Tropical Africa). Moscow. Institute for African Studies Press.
6. Bondarenko, Dmitri M. (2015). Toward a Philosophy of African History: Communality as a Foundation of Africa’s Socio-Cultural Tradition. Bedřich, Adam, and Retka, Tomáš, (eds.) Knight from Komárov – To Petr Skalník for His 70th Birthday, AntropoWeb, Praha, pp. 61–80.