Contribution of D.A. Olderogge to the Study of the Epic Tradition of West Africa


Irina Tatarovskaya


On May 6, 1903, the Soviet Africanist, ethnographer, literary critic, linguist, and historian Dmitry A. Olderogge was born in Vilna. He was one of the founders of African studies in the USSR and an organizer of museum work related to Africa. The article is dedicated to the memory of this outstanding scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. It shows the main milestones of the professional path of Dmitry A. Olderogge, describes the scientist’s contribution to the study of the folklore of African peoples and gives an analysis of his main works in the field of folklore. The important theoretical and practical significance of his research devoted to the epic legends of the peoples of West Africa is revealed in the work.


Dmitry A. Olderogge, folklore, epic, West Africa, griots, “Sundyata”, blacksmith




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