African Trade Unions in a New Historic Situation


Olga Gromova


Since the end of the last century the trade unions of Africa appeared in the new conditions of the world geopolitical and economic process, which influence on countries in the region: the onset of neo-liberal market of ideology, the global financial and economic crises. The plight of the vast majority of the population exacerbated by the increase in income inequality, huge gap in living standards between rich and poor, rampant corruption, weak system of health and education, food insecurity. Changes in the political and socio-economic life of African countries could not affect the position of trade unions and finding their ways to tackle their new tasks. On the one hand there is the decline of the trade Union movement in most countries of the continent, with the other unions remain a real social force with an extensive large-scale structure that can unite workers to defend their rights.


structural economic reforms, strike movement, democratization processes, trade union independence, citizen society organizations


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