The 2006 parliamentary and presidential elections went down in history as the most momentous DRC elections among the seven electoral campaigns that took place in this country in 1960-2011. They marked a kind of watershed between the long period of political instability and internal armed conflict and the relative restoration of constitutional order in the country. The article analyses the activities of the authorities in the preparation and holding of the elections and the outcome of the elections. Particular attention is paid to the foreign assistance rendered to the Congolese authorities in the organisation of elections, as well as to the assessment of the elections by the global community.
Democratic Republic of the Congo, electoral processes, political development, international relations, armed conflict
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Одна из причин постоянного дефицита в государственной казне ДРК – продолжающееся и поныне казнокрадство. Так, в прессе сообщалось, что в 2005 г. была расхищена четверть доходов по госбюджету, 60–80% таможенных сборов не поступили в казну, из военного бюджета исчезли 3 млн долл., в первое пятилетии XXI в. бесследно исчезли 500 млн долл., выделенных стране Всемирным банком на цели развития (см.: Financial Times. 04.08.2006; Le Figaro. 10.07.2006).
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